Become A Friend

Sign up to be a Friend!
Become as involved with the Friends of the Library as you would like or are able.
The Friends are a nonprofit organization managed by volunteers. A committee meets four times a year at the main library (officers-See Friends of the Library Board Meetings).
These meetings are typically held on the second Tuesday of February, April, August, and November. They are a good place to hear about what's going on at the library and to brainstorm about future programs.
All members of the Friends have voting privileges.
Individual & Family Memberships:
Thank you for becoming a friend of the library!
The following Friends of the Library yearly and lifetime membership options are available for individuals and families.
Individual: $15/year; Families $30/year; $150/Lifetime
Please use the Button on the right to enroll. You may also join at the library's main circulation desk.
Corporate Memberships:
Thank you for becoming a friend of the library!
The following yearly and lifetime Friends of the Library membership options are available for businesses and organizations.
Corporate: $250/year; $500/year; $1000/Lifetime
Please use the Button on the right to enroll. You may also join at the library's main circulation desk.